Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Mustang has a Boo Boo

Okay so like I said before we have to sell the Mustang and what better way than to make the car show and cruise-in rounds. Not only do we love going to the car shows and cruise-ins (whats not to love old cars, old music, great people and usually some sort of free give-aways) but these are people who also love old cars like us so we know that they would take care of the Mustang if they were to buy it and not just put it out to pasture somewhere.
So last Saturday we went to a local show and had a good time and then we decide we would go to a cruise-in at an ice cream place down in Stafford where we used to live. That way we could see all the car show peoples from down there that we don't see much anymore. They don't make it up here to car shows and we don't make it down there much either. Stafford is kinda like a line no one goes past unless they have to. If you are south of Stafford that is as far north as you go and if you are north of Stafford that is as far south as you go. It is not a rule or territory thing at all, it's just has to do with traffic and the roads. It can get pretty hot in a old car without air sitting at a dead stop on the freeway. (I know everyone on this side of the country calls them highways or interstates but I am from California and I refuse to give in to changing what I call things)
Anyways back to the Mustang. So after we went home and did a few things, cooled off, checked the fluids and such, we were ready to head out. Kyle decide he wanted to go to his friends house on the other part of the base so we went and dropped him off, got so gas, picked up some power steering fluid, helped a lady put some air into her tires (this will come into play later) and out the gate we went. Then bang, scrape and stop. There was a speed bump repair thing that was nailed to the blacktop running the length of the road, we tried to straddle it but a nail sticking up (that of course we didn't see) at the end of it caught the muffler and wrapped the tail pipe around the axle. (See pictures) Needless to say Bill was pissed. Before he got out we thought that it tore off the oil pan but when he looked under there was nothing leaking so that was good. As we are trying to get the it off the axle so we can go and figure out what to do next a guy (Patrick) stopped and asked if we need help, we still couldn't get it off. He knew a guy at the auto skills center (a place on base that you can go to do repair on your own vehicle and there are mechanics there to help you if needed) and he called him to see if he could come out. The Auto Skills guys (Kevin and well we didn't get the other guy's name, Bill said we'll just call him "Ed" because, well, who knows why Bill says some of the things he does) came out and jacked up the Mustang and got it off the can so we could then drive it home. They also said that if we got the parts they could help weld it on for us. While they were there they said we should report it and get the base to pay for it. So we got the MP's (military police) out there and did a report and took some pictures and are getting ready to file the claim. The parts to fix it should be here today, so this weekend we should be able to do some more car show cruise-in stuff. It really could of been worse but at the time you couldn't tell Bill that because the world is against him. Luckily when he rebuild it the first time he only tack welded the muffler and tailpipes because if they would of been completely welded on then it would of torn the whole exhaust system complete off at the engine. Talk about expensive. Right now it is going to cost less than $100 because he can do it himself at auto skills.
Later were talking about the karma thing and how that it shouldn't of happened because of helping the lady out earlier with the air (told you we would come back to that). So we decide that it wasn't suppose to happen and karma was like oh (insert word here) that wasn't suppose to happen and so the right people stopped to help and now we should also get back the money it will cost to fix. Or if you don't believe in karma than it was just damn lucky that Patrick, Kevin and "Ed" were around to help. Either way I am just glad that it will all work out and be good in the end.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Video on Bill's new job

So all is going well with us. Hope the same can be said for everyone else. The boys and I had our medical check-ups for moving and everything went well with that. The boys had to get TB tests and Justin had to get a shot and no one cried or threw fits, so that was great. We still have to get dental check-ups and some paper that the school has to do, paperwork and more paperwork and then usually you miss something on their checklist and have to go back to somewhere and get something redone, but that is what comes with the military move. And that is just the paperwork that is my responsibility to get done there is alot more that Bill has to do also. And you all thought that we just have some people come and pack up all of our stuff and then we are on our way, we could only wish it was all that easy.
Bill went on the website for his new command and found this video on his new job that we thought some of you might like to see. It is a fifteen minute video so it takes a little time to load. You can also browse around that site for other info about his new job.

Monday, July 21, 2008

I will start by getting everyone up to date. In case you haven't heard we have received our next assignment and it is at Hickam AFB on Oahu, Hawaii. We are very, very excited. Bill's new job is at the Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command - JPAC. Bill is very excited and can't wait to get there. In his words he expects this to be "a career highlight." For a little more info on his job there is an article from a show that Oliver North did on his job at the link,2933,374863,00.html . The boys are doing great. Kyle is going to be going to football camp starting the 23rd for 5 days. Then the first week of Aug. Kyle and Justin are going to a sleep away camp called Camp Operation Purple, a camp for military children, that is actually located in Hendersonville, NC. After that we have a week long camping trip planned. When we get back from that it is time for 4-5 day a week football practices and getting things ready school starting and for the move. We have to sell our pop-up and the Mustang (boo-hoo, sniffle-sniffle) and we will also have to sell Billy's truck but when we get there the plan is to get him a Jeep Wrangler Unlimited X. Our plan actually be leaving this base about the second week of December and going down the DisneyWorld for a week and then we will be in NC for 2 weeks and be coming back to Virginia around 29th to sell the truck to CarMax and then get on a plane to Hawaii on the 1st or 2nd of January. I think that just about covers the basics. Oh and for those of you that start Christmas shopping in July we are requesting that any presents be very small or gift cards because we will have already of sent all of our stuff to Hawaii and whatever is received will have to fit in our suitcases. Love you all.