Thursday, July 24, 2008

Video on Bill's new job

So all is going well with us. Hope the same can be said for everyone else. The boys and I had our medical check-ups for moving and everything went well with that. The boys had to get TB tests and Justin had to get a shot and no one cried or threw fits, so that was great. We still have to get dental check-ups and some paper that the school has to do, paperwork and more paperwork and then usually you miss something on their checklist and have to go back to somewhere and get something redone, but that is what comes with the military move. And that is just the paperwork that is my responsibility to get done there is alot more that Bill has to do also. And you all thought that we just have some people come and pack up all of our stuff and then we are on our way, we could only wish it was all that easy.
Bill went on the website for his new command and found this video on his new job that we thought some of you might like to see. It is a fifteen minute video so it takes a little time to load. You can also browse around that site for other info about his new job.


Karen said...

I am so proud of Billy!! That is really cool! I've decided work wise I am going to live through him.

Julie said...
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Julie said...

thanks for sharing your job info ... I'm so jealous ... I need a new job ... any openings with you in Hawaii??