Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Kyle's 2008 Football Picture

So here he is our very own football player, Kyle Refenes. It is not a very good picture. I could of taken better pictures with my Kodak digital. In the team picture you can barely see the top row because of the glare which made them blurry and they placed some of the boys right in front of another and you can't even some of there faces. I would be even more upset if I couldn't see my child. If we wouldn't of paid so much for the pictures it wouldn't be a big deal but $40 for these two pictures and eight wallets is way to much for the poor quality. We are is the process of trying to get refunded for the group photos since you can't see half the team.
They did pretty good for being in the 125lb American League. They placed third and lost the play-offs for the championships. The American League is made up of teams that have been together since the Anklebiter weight class (75lbs). This year they didn't have enough teams in the American division so Fairfax county picked us to be in it since Fort Belvoir teams usually do well. But with only 1/2 of the 22 boys on the team have ever playing organized football and only 5 of them had played together before this year including Kyle, I would say they did great. The coaches were excellent in every way. They were great with teaching them how to play and also with everyday life, even being involved in the boys schools talking to the teachers and principles if there were problems. They could go to the coaches with anything and that is how it should be, life is not all about winning. Even though it does make life better but you have to take the good with the bad.
As for everything else that is going on. We took my car to Baltimore on Monday and it will be in Hawaii around December 22, so it will be waiting for us. We had to drive around for almost an hour to get the gas under 1/4 of a tank. I guess my car really gets good gas mileage. It was just a bit above the 1/4 mark and they said they couldn't take it so off we went and it took us an hour to get it down. So now I am car less and we all know how much I love to drive the truck.
We got our plane itinerary and we leave out of Reagan on January 1 at 8:45am and we get to Hawaii at 5:20pm. So no News Years celebrating for us we have to be at the airport at 6:45am, just in time to hit DC traffic.
Well that is about all for now, I have to get the stuff together for unaccompanied baggage tomorrow. And get the clothes washed to pack our suitcases. I just have to make it through til Thanksgiving and then it will all be over. That is what I keep telling myself anyways. Love to all.


Karen said...

He looks like a bad ass! That's awesome! Thank you for the pics! Everything is right around the corner huh? Busy busy busy. I wish I could go to florida with you guys but unfortuneately i would be homeless right now if it weren't for dad and Mel. So needless to say I don't have money. But I will be seeing you next week!! Yay!!!! I can't wait!!!