Tuesday, January 13, 2009


We made it here safe and sound. Sorry we didn't update sooner but we didn't have Internet until a few days ago, because of the island wide black out that happen about a week before we got here. Then when we did get it back we were busy looking for a house, going to the beach and sightseeing. But back by popular demand we are here to update you on what we have been doing.

Thursday, Jan. 1 - We arrived here and we were pick up by our friend Kevin and Chief MeCheam. They both had leis for all of us but of course we forgot about taking pictures. Chief was suppose to be Bill's boss in the Korea division of the POW/MIA but they have moved him back to the European division, but he still came and picked us up and helped us out. He has a big monster truck so the boys rode with him and loved it. After we got checked in to our lodging, which is basically a 2 bedroom/2 bathroom apartment, we went out to eat at Ruby Tuesdays with Kevin, his wife Charity and their kids (Katie, 11 and Dillion, 2) They are the people in our pictures.

Zack loved his first plane trip.

Friday, Jan. 2 - Kevin came and picked and took us to a place to eat breakfast that is right where you can watch the boats come into pearl harbor. We didn't get to see any boats come in and do not have any pictures of it because Bill forgot the camera. After we ate Kevin took us to get my car. The car made it okay with no damage or anything. Then later that night we went out to eat at a restaurant in Waikiki with Kevin and his family.

Saturday, Jan. 3 - We went to Waikiki Beach and to the pool at the Hale Koa military only hotel. Then we went back to Kevin's for a BBQ and drinks.

The rest of the week we looked at houses and drove around the area checking things out.


Julie said...

okay - we have to recommend chucks, it's a steak restaurant right above dukes (the bar). It's right on Waikiki beach, it has great views and great food. John and I loved it there. Also there is Tiki's, they have a great fruit salad among many other things ... and then there's a place right below Tiki's on the next block (above Starbucks) that has really good banana pancakes with coconut syrup! yummy I can't wait to go back. I'm glad you guys are having a great time so far, I love the new Jeep!

Karen said...

I am truly jealous. Truly truly truly. I can sleep on the beach and leave my stuff here in storage. Join the ANG there so I can get on base and just come over to take showers. That would work... right?