Friday, August 21, 2009

Billy Updates

August 12
"Today we flew up to a mountain top landing zone and walked down a steep trail to a p-38 crash. it was pretty cool, most of it was there and the villagers say the pilot is in there... he crashed in upside down and it all kinda buried into the mountain side. while we were there, one of the villagers said he also had a wing at his house, so I took him in the helicopter to his house to see the wing... on our way back to the LZ, thick fog and storm clouds moved in on the LZ, we couldn't see a thing and to be honest, it was pretty nerve wracking... we couldn't see the mountains let alone the landing zone. so we had to leave the others on the mountain... we waited about 2 hours and the storm just got worse... I called into (name withheld) and we decided it was best for us to go back to the hotel and they will camp out over night... bad thing was they were getting drenched didn't have a whole lot of food and no hammocks. Eventually back at the hotel, (name withheld) called again and said he could see clear to the ocean.. so me and (helo pilot) jumped back on the bird and went and fetched them up. So... they were soaked, but we are all home safe and sleeping in a bed tonight. Tomorrow, we go to another site, we are packing hammocks just in case this time."

August 17
"Today, we went to a site and it was a Japanese Zero... its not ours, and we won't find our guys there, but it was still pretty cool to see one of their planes down... and its a zero... i like that plane. It was cool too because one of the wings you could still see clear as day the big red sun on it. Also at that village we held and petted a baby Casuary bird... I'm not sure if I spelled it right but they are these huge flightless birds that kind of resemble an ostrich and when they are adults they can really put a hurtin on you... but this little guy was only like 2 weeks old and he was as big as a cat or small dog. he didn't really have feathers yet, he had like wirey feeling hair and it was like yellow with brown stripes running down its body, he had big huge taloned feet and a huge beak. He was pretty cute because he is a baby but they say that when they are adults you don't want to come across them. I got pictures of us holding him. Tomorrow we are going back to the site where the guys almost got stranded for the night. I'm gonna go to bed, we have an early start in the morning tomorrow to try to beat the bad weather that comes in in the afternoon. "


Karen said...

thank you for the updates!!! they are pretty cool!! love you!