Monday, October 20, 2008

Update on Kyle's little finger

We went to the doctor today and she said that it does look like there is a crack in there, but it is hard to see because there is a vein that is right there that kinda blocks the view in the x-rays. They did not put a cast on it, they just taped the two fingers together and we go back in two weeks to take more x-rays. She said that if she sees there is new bone growth in the x-rays then she was right and it is fractured and she will see how it is healing then to see what to do next. So he can't play football, do any contact sports or lift anything with that hand.
As for the nurse at school, she said that she told Kyle to call me, but he said that if she did he didn't hear her. I am not real sure that she said it because Kyle would of called me. Her excuse to that was that alot of times kids just want her to call their parents because if an adult calls then they will come get them. I assured her that Kyle has no problems calling me if he needs or wants to be picked up. So then she also said that it was her job to make sure he did call and that she was sorry. Whatever, whats done is done, but I am sure that if he comes to her again for something she will remember his name and make sure that she pays attention to what is going on.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Kyle hurt his little pinky finger.

Kyle has hurt his little pinky finger on his right hand. Now you want to know how and why Kyle got hurt, right? Well at first guess you might think that he did it at football, because he is playing with the big boys now in the toughest league for his age/weight class (13-15/118-150 lbs). That is where I thought that he would get hurt, too. I prayed he wouldn't, but it is football and those things happen. But no, Kyle got hurt in PE class playing a game that he describes as a cross between basketball and soccer with a nerf like ball. So know you are asking how you get hurt in a game that uses a nerf like ball. Well, he jumped up to block the ball and when he brought his hand down it hit another person. It started hurting and he shook it off and continued playing and then to add insult to injury he also missed the block, which to him was worse that the hurt hand. After his pinky swelled up to twice his normal size, he then went to the teacher and they sent him to the nurse who gave him ice and sent him back to class. Now I know that a finger isn't like a loss of limb or anything, but I would of still of expected to get a phone call of some sort. I mean at Justin's school he gets a little rash and they called an ambulance, or a tummy ache and I get a phone call to come and get him. Kyle's finger is twice it normal size, he can't bend or straighten it, it is purple and I get nothing. In fact, I don't know anything about it until I come to pick him up after his after school activity club at 5:30 pm and he had PE at 10am. So now instead of being able to just call the doctor to get an x-ray and get it looked at, I will have to go to the ER. But Kyle is suppose to be going to football practice because they have a game tomorrow, so we go over to practice and the coach took one look at it and said that he needs to have it checked out. The ER for a hurt finger, do you know how far at the bottom of the list a hurt finger puts you? And on a Friday night no less. But he has to go because he can't play football without being checked out. Which I don't blame the coaches they are making sure everyone is good to play. The person I blame is the school nurse. I looked at the finger and knew there was something wrong and I don't have a RN after my name.
So there we are trapped at the ER, yes literally trapped, when you check in they take your ID and give you a hospital bracelet and a restaurant pager thing. So, we are waiting and waiting and hoping and praying that we don't get sick because of all the sick people and not to mention in the middle of waiting I realize that the last time I was in an ER waiting room it, was waiting to be able to go see my dad. Managed to get that pushed to the back of my mind when the guy behind us starts a coughing fit and then I go back to hoping I don't get the flu or anything. We finally get called by the triage nurse and she sends us to x-ray and I think well at least we didn't have to wait to see a doctor to get an x-ray, maybe this would be as bad as I thought. But then we get to radiology and there is no one there, the doors are open, the lights and TV are on but there is no one around. So we call out and wait and wait then finally like 20 minutes later someone comes from the outside corridor and asked if we have been helped. I should of asked where and the hell he has been, but of course I am nice and just say no we haven't been helped, although I am sure he knew that since there was no one but him working in there. Anyways, we get the x-rays done and go back to the waiting room and wait some more. Finally our table is ready (our pager goes off) and we then go back to wait to see the doctor. More waiting and listening to people hack (did I mention that I don't like ER's) then he comes in asks if we got x-rays, we say yes, the he goes away and we wait some more. Then he comes back and says it looks like there might be a crack but we will have to go to orthopedics on Monday to have them check it out better. 2 1/2 hours to be told that he thinks there is a crack. I knew in the first few seconds of seeing it that there might be a crack.
So no football game tomorrow and he may have a cast on his hand for 6-8 weeks, right know he has a hard splint on his hand. Needless to say Kyle is not happy. No football, bike, skateboard, basketball or anything fun as he says. And also if it has to say on for 8 weeks that might put us into our trip to DisneyWorld, we aren't real sure what to do about that one yet. All we can do is wait and see what ortho says on Monday. I will try to get an update on here after we see the doctor on Monday.

Friday, October 3, 2008

What we have been up to.

Hello Everyone.
I know it has been awhile but as we all know sometimes life just takes over. So let me see what has been going on.... Kyle and Justin loved camp and they want to go back next year. I don't think that it will happen because school is year round in Hawaii. Billy has recoved from our time away from him while we were in NC. Kyle and Justin are both doing great in school. Kyle has really adjusted great to middle school and is so far getting all A's and B's. Justin loves "ruling the school" since 6th graders are the top dogs in elementary school. Kyle's football is going well they won their first to games but lost the one last weekend. That was kinda a wake up call for them because they thought they were the best team out there. So they have been having hard practices this week. His next game is October 4th at 8pm.
Zack is very excited to go on our adventure. An adventure is what it will be. We are going to DisneyWorld, he gets to go on an airplane for the first time, he wants to get the "car without windows" (Billy's getting a jeep when we get there), he wants to swim with the turtles, go to the big boy school and wants to get a "doggie". The dog thing really depends on where we are living and what I am doing work wise. If I wait to go to work after Zack starts kindergarten then we may get one because it will have time to learn some rules, but if I go to work right after we move then we will have to think about it some more.
We sold the Mustang (boo hoo hoo, sniffle, sniffle), are trying to sell the pop-up and we are having a big yard sale to get rid of the stuff we have accumulated over the past 4 years. So lately we have been going through everything to see what we can get rid of. Basically other than doing that, Billy working, boys' school, Kyle's football, and getting all the clearances to get our orders (which by the way we got today, Yeah), we haven't been doing much. And now that we have our orders we can get our plane tickets, set up shipping for our stuff, reserve our hotel here and in Hawaii and sign up for housing in Hawaii.