Friday, October 3, 2008

What we have been up to.

Hello Everyone.
I know it has been awhile but as we all know sometimes life just takes over. So let me see what has been going on.... Kyle and Justin loved camp and they want to go back next year. I don't think that it will happen because school is year round in Hawaii. Billy has recoved from our time away from him while we were in NC. Kyle and Justin are both doing great in school. Kyle has really adjusted great to middle school and is so far getting all A's and B's. Justin loves "ruling the school" since 6th graders are the top dogs in elementary school. Kyle's football is going well they won their first to games but lost the one last weekend. That was kinda a wake up call for them because they thought they were the best team out there. So they have been having hard practices this week. His next game is October 4th at 8pm.
Zack is very excited to go on our adventure. An adventure is what it will be. We are going to DisneyWorld, he gets to go on an airplane for the first time, he wants to get the "car without windows" (Billy's getting a jeep when we get there), he wants to swim with the turtles, go to the big boy school and wants to get a "doggie". The dog thing really depends on where we are living and what I am doing work wise. If I wait to go to work after Zack starts kindergarten then we may get one because it will have time to learn some rules, but if I go to work right after we move then we will have to think about it some more.
We sold the Mustang (boo hoo hoo, sniffle, sniffle), are trying to sell the pop-up and we are having a big yard sale to get rid of the stuff we have accumulated over the past 4 years. So lately we have been going through everything to see what we can get rid of. Basically other than doing that, Billy working, boys' school, Kyle's football, and getting all the clearances to get our orders (which by the way we got today, Yeah), we haven't been doing much. And now that we have our orders we can get our plane tickets, set up shipping for our stuff, reserve our hotel here and in Hawaii and sign up for housing in Hawaii.


Billmel said...


Karen said...

I can't wait to see you!!! And I am so happy for you with everything that is going on. And I am so proud of Kyle for the A's and B's. And Justin IS the big dawg! :-) and Zacky will always be adorable! I updated my blog too! Check it out!

Anonymous said...

We can't wait for December either!!! I'm happy everything is well and everyone is doing great. love you all!!!