Monday, October 20, 2008

Update on Kyle's little finger

We went to the doctor today and she said that it does look like there is a crack in there, but it is hard to see because there is a vein that is right there that kinda blocks the view in the x-rays. They did not put a cast on it, they just taped the two fingers together and we go back in two weeks to take more x-rays. She said that if she sees there is new bone growth in the x-rays then she was right and it is fractured and she will see how it is healing then to see what to do next. So he can't play football, do any contact sports or lift anything with that hand.
As for the nurse at school, she said that she told Kyle to call me, but he said that if she did he didn't hear her. I am not real sure that she said it because Kyle would of called me. Her excuse to that was that alot of times kids just want her to call their parents because if an adult calls then they will come get them. I assured her that Kyle has no problems calling me if he needs or wants to be picked up. So then she also said that it was her job to make sure he did call and that she was sorry. Whatever, whats done is done, but I am sure that if he comes to her again for something she will remember his name and make sure that she pays attention to what is going on.


Julie said...

:( poor baby ... just think, kyle, you don't really need your pinky finger to learn how to surf ... so even if you can't play football now, you should be able to do a bunch of fun stuff in Hawaii very soon!! :)

Karen said...

that is true Julie. Always find a positive in everything. Good job Barbie on handing the nurse her ass. I can picture you bitching at her. I would of liked to see that. Give Kyle's finger a kiss from aunt Karen, that should make it a little better. :-)