Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Justin's hard head isn't as hard as he thought.

By now, most of you have heard about Justin's accident on Wednesday... if not, here is the story... he was riding his scooter (basically a skateboard with handlebars) home from school, he was going downhill and had his helmet in his backpack rather than on his head. Even though when I agreed to let him ride it to school instead of walk, two days before, he said he would wear his helmet. I wanted to just tell him no, but he is twelve and I figured I should let him do things, even if it is against my better judgement. Well he lost control of the scooter and fell. Someone called 911 and a neighbor happened to drive by while the fire trucks were there and recognized him and came to the house to let us know what had happened. I got there right before the ambulance was leaving, so I rode with him to the emergency room. When we got there they looked him over, then took some x-rays to clear his neck to get the collar off and also x-rayed his left elbow because it was really swollen and bruised. After x-rays he complained of being nauseous and fell asleep, the nurse wasn't really concerned, he said that it was from adrenaline rush. While we were waiting for the x-ray results he got sick, then they came in and said that his neck was clear and took the neck collar off and treated his blisters from the hot pavement and his road rash. He fell back asleep and then got sick again while asleep. Just after that the nurse came in with discharge papers and a prescription for Motrin (which would of been bad to give him), so I told him that I thought something else was wrong because he got sick again and was still asleep. So he went and talked to the doctor and said that they would send him for a Cat Scan, but they were pretty sure he was fine. Turns out that their CT was being replaced so we would have to travel 16 miles to another hospital in another ambulance to have it done then come back the 16 miles to this hospital. When we got back to the first hospital after the CT the doctor said not to even put him in the room because he was already discharged, but he hadn't even gotten the results of the CT yet. Then the fax came in from the other hospital and they all surrounded him putting IVs and the doctor then walks up and says "Mom's know their kids best" and that he has a 3mm bleed on his brain and a skull fracture and that he will be admitted to the hospital but we have to go to a different hospital because they don't the care he need there. So then we go into another ambulance (this time with light and sirens) to the new hospital. They did another scan 4 hours later and determined that the bleed was not growing (which would have been really bad if it had). After staying in the hospital for a couple days and doing cognitive tests with him, they determined he was okay to go home. They released him Friday morning. He will have headaches for a few months while his head tries to heal and is not aloud to do anything active (running, jumping, bike riding, sports, etc.). He can only take Tylenol for the pain because Motrin can make the bleed worse. So it is a good thing that I didn't just take him home and give him Motrin like the doctor said to do at first. He gave us a scare but besides being in pain and still a bit of nausea, he seems to be okay. Also, the answer is yes... he has learned a lesson here. We are certain he will always be wearing his helmet now.
So now Justin can't go to camp or Disney World so he will be staying with Grandma Debbie (Billy's mom) while Kyle is at camp and Billy, Zack and I go to Disney World for a few days.


Karen said...

awww!! I didn't think about that... :-( he can't go to Disney. :-( that really sucks. I am so glad thought that he is going to be ok. I have been worried about him. That means I won't get to see him at all til August. :-(

April M. said...

Wow - I'm so glad you followed your instincts! Hope he's feeling better soon.

Anonymous said...

It's a very hard way to learn a lesson. I sure hope he's feeling a lot better now.