Thursday, June 11, 2009


After today (June 11) we will not have internet until they hook it up at the new house on the 17th. I will try to get to the library to check email and stuff between now and then but I can't make any promise, so if you don't here from us we aren't ignoring you, we just haven't bothered to check up on you =).
We went and saw the new house this morning, it is great. They have already packed up all of our stuff and it is so awesome not have to do it ourselves. In the morning they will come and move it all to the new house. Bill wanted to have them unpack it also, but we decide against it because then it will be all over the place and we really want to try to get rid of some of the stuff we have accumulated as we unpack. We will see how that goes, I really have a hard time getting rid of stuff that belonged to my parents even though it just sits in a box, in the closet, or under the bed. Then there is all of my scrapbooking stuff that I really haven't touched much in about 2 years (Maybe I need to take a trip to Diana's to get back into it). Thinking about it I guess it has been since my dad passed away, which would make sense because I really had a hard time with that.
We have given ourselves a deadline for unpacking, we have until the 21st because we leave for North Carolina on the 22nd. I am going to try to make it stick because I really don't want to come back from NC to a house full of boxes. Too bad I can't get the Clean Sweep people from TV to come and do it for me. I know I would have to still do some of the work but I can handle that.
By the way Justin is feeling alot better. He is taking less pain medication now, sleeping less during the day and eating more. He still has a hard time getting up in the mornings because that is when he has the most pain but even that is improving.


Karen said...

It is always exciting moving into a new house!! I don't see how you are going to unpack in 4 days though. Good luck! I wish I was there to help you. So you leave on the 22nd for NC? When are you planning on making it to Orlando? Or is that still tentative? You said in your earlier post you were going to Disney. Just curious... maybe I can try to plan my days of work around it. Let me know. Thank you for the update on Justin. I can see how the mornings would be hard. It's good he is sleeping less during the day now though. Just send him my love.

BillBarb N Boys said...

The 21st is 10 days to unpack not 4. What are you drinking and can I have some? When we go to Orlando depends on when we get to NC. We are flying Space A, so we could get there in one day or ?? of days.

Karen said...

Aaahhh.. I thought you said you will be moved on the 17th... so you had from the 17th to the 21st to upack... maybe I read it wrong.

Diana said...

Of course you can always come here and I'll get you back into scrapping. It's an obsession ;) I understand about holding onto things though and especially now for you. Take care and enjoy your new home!