Thursday, March 12, 2009

Honolulu Zoo

Since we have been here we have drove past and even parked at the zoo many times, so we decided to go ahead and go even though it looked very small. But we thought that $4 per adult wasn't bad to see a few animals and for something to do on a Sunday afternoon. We were very surprised at how large it is on the inside and how many animals they have. We expected to see some birds, monkeys, turtles and reptiles but they have any animal that you would see at any zoo. And you can get pretty close to them too. In fact the alligators were kinda scary because there is just a four foot wall between you and them and nothing keeping you from putting your hands over the other side of the wall. I am guessing that they must keep them well feed because I am sure they can jump up and snatch you arm right off. It was cool that you could touch the huge turtles there was only very small wall just to keep the turtles in. And there were peacocks just roaming all over the zoo.

"Hi everyone!"

Zack and the peacock checking each other out.
The very large very close alligator.

Justin and Zack in the coi fish tube.


Anonymous said...

It looks like you guys had a blast! Wish we were there. The pictures look great. I looks like Justin still needs a haircut. LOL!! Love you all. ITA

Karen said...

that's a pretty cool pic of the 2 of them in the tube. I actually did not know that they had a zoo there. Now I know. And knowing is half the battle.

Karen said...

that's a very good family pic too (minus bill of course)

Julie said...

I've totally been to that zoo...did you find it weird that the animals weren't really fenced in very well??? The giraffes were like roaming around with no gate! Anyways looks like you guys had a good time, miss you guys. xoxo