Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Kamera Krazy in Korea

OK... Ive been snapping away like crazy, and I just got a chance to put some of these on the blog. Each one has a caption below the picture, so if you want to know what the picture is about... see the caption.

This is us crossing a street in Seoul

We stopped here, at the Electronics Market, where you can get all kinds of cool things made of wood... OK, maybe not wood, more like wire and metal... we bought DVD movies here.

This was some random road in Seoul, I just took this to show the look of a typical store front.

This is the Han River with Seoul surrounding it on both sides, Namsan tower, which was in my Hilton Hotel window picture in the earlier post is at the top of the mountain in the pic.

This is Korea... the country... very pretty... we were on our way to an old village by the river, just 8 miles south of the DMZ.

The road down to the village proved to be a challenge for the small SUVs, the minivan and our in-experienced (off-roading) Korean drivers. We even ended up getting the van stuck in a mud pit. We finally got it out 25 mins later.

This is a traditional Korean War era home... not too many of these still exist today but this one was here and is currently lived in. Pretty cool huh? It was about 15 foot long.

These are my friends Jared and Larry just before we break for lunch. They are both fluent Korean speaking linguists, which is very nice to have with you as you are strolling around Korea.

Stan (on the left) is also a Korean Linguist (Korean born). Here he and Jared are cooking our ramen lunch.

This bar is called "The One" we have essentially claimed this bar as our team bar here in Yanggu. Jared is on my right and that's Greg, our anthropologist on my left.
This is another night at "The One", as you can see Larry and I are enjoying a pitcher of Cass (Korean Beer). Notice the extreme large size of the pitcher and then the almost shot glass size mugs... makes you feel like your throwing back a bazillion and a half beers when its really only been like 3 or so.
This is yet another night at "The One". This guy works in the hotel we are staying in and wanted to go out with us. His name is Huang Sol Lee. We call him Han Solo since it sounds very close to his name. He likes that since he likes the Star Wars movies. He's a pretty funny guy, he keeps paying me lots of respect though.... says, I'm like an older brother to him so he must pay me respect as such.

The Crew waiting for a boat captain that we need to interview... from left to right is DJ (Team Leader), Greg (Anthropologist) and Alex (Medic)
Here's more of the crew being pyros... from left to right is Stan (Linguist), Larry (Linguist) and Dustin (Explosives Ordinance Disposal).

I think what this is trying to say is if you lean against the wall you might fall out a small hamper or doggy door and land on your head. Not really sure though.
These two signs are obvious... the top one is their way of regulating the population by trying to get dumb drivers to drive off the edge into the water right here... the bottom one is just telling you that they sell raccoon tails up ahead.

OK... here is my favorite Korean food... Kimbap (pronounced keem bop). Very tasty!
Here we are as a team one night in Yanggu eating pizza... cant eat Korean food all the time... it was good but you have to tell them not to put corn on it... they love corn on their pizza.

This was today, we went up north just 3-4 miles south of the DMZ to interview villagers again, I took this picture to show you the One-Eyed Buffalo. NO, NOT THAT!!!!... shame on you... this machine is what is called a One-Eyed Buffalo, its basically an engine on wheels that they hitch different trailers to... a very versatile tractor type farm work thingamajig.

Right before we finished for the day, it started snowing quite heavily, as you can see here. The sign is a weight limit sign for the bridge just out of view of the picture, it shows truck weight and tank weight. Yup, tanks.
Well, that's all the pics I'm going to put up for now. Be on the look out for more... I will probably try to post more again this Sunday night if I can. Hope you enjoyed the pictures!


Karen said...

I thoroughly enjoyed the pictures! I definitely miss those signs of theirs. If you find anymore please take pics. If you notice in one of your pics how close the cars are together in the road. Try to take a picture of the crazy traffic in Korea to show everyone. You know how they like to make a two lane road into a four lane road all of a sudden. And get a picture of a korean carrying a refrigerator and some mattresses on his scooter. I am saving all these pics you post up cause I didn't take pictures when I was there. I have more video from when I was there more than actual pics. And I have pics on base but I did not take many outside of base for me. Do me another favor and take a picture of bulgogi for me. And that's pretty cool about Han Solo.

Karen said...

I'm sure you were just dying to teach them a few lessons on off-roading too. And tell Han Solo to take good care of you for me. :-)